After much deliberation, comparisons, research, price matching, and talking around, we’ve decided to purchase Mumble hosting from Apoplexy Industries. I’ve personally been using Ventrilo for a good 4-5 years, so I really hesitated switching over, but I think it’s going to work out really great. The latency between what’s said and when you hear it is crazy fast. I tested the new server with my roommate and when he said something in his room, I heard it in mine almost simultaneously. I have to admit the interface is a little clunky, but a lot of features you have to mess with in Vent are automated in Mumble which is great. Voice sounds crisp and clear, and I believe it’s gaining them too (leveling sound so it’s consistent from every person). Overall should be a good buy.
Here is the general information:
Password: srbos1
Size: 25-man
Location: Chicago
Provider: Apoplexy Industries
So feel free to join up and hang out with some great gamers! If you need to download and install Mumble, check it out here.
Update: Fun fact about Mumble, you can download and apply skins to customize your personal look and feel! Check it out here.
Other Tags: VOIP, Mumble, hosting, AI
UPDATE: new Mumble server information can be found here.
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