The 52nd episode of the eSports bulletin has been uploaded and covers August 14th, 2012. Within you’ll find information about team FNATIC’s Korean Cup for StarCraft 2, details about the 2nd Topanga A League, updates regarding The Gunnar Challenge Cup, news of Check Six shutting down, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive news (VAC ban list).
Category: eSports News
The eSports Bulletin News Broadcast #51
Here is the 51st eSports bulletin, all ready and waiting for your luscious eyes to watch it. :D This episode covers Monday, August 13, 2012 and recaps: Gamescom Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 news, DreamHack Winter and TheKGL adding Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournaments, the Trench Warfare tournament for Heroes of Newerth, the next AbsoluteLegends Dota 2 KotH match, a MLG Summer Championship caster update, roster changes from Dirtnap Gaming and Copenhagen Wolves, the Complexity Academy entering the IGN Pro Team League Amateur Division for StarCraft 2, Moscow 5 dropping their Counter-Strike 1.6 division, a release date change for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and HuK’s new commercial.
Reddit: “CBSi just signed every tournament out there”
The news part of this post is “old” now, but in a recent State of the Game, JP “itmeJP” McDaniel recommended reading the comments posted by “huskystarcraft”, a professional StarCraft 2 commentator.
Other Tags: SotG, StarCraft II, SC2
Sexual Harassment on Cross Assault
I just wanted to share the various articles and video relating to this issue since it’s being brought up here and there.
On EventHubs they published this short blurb with lots of comments to read. You should get a general idea how the FG community is reacting.
There’s a much lengthier article on shoryuken about it. Again, many comments to read. And another article from SRK.
ESFI’s article. Level | Up has published a statement.
Penny Arcade, Giant Bomb and Kotaku have articles. Ars Technica added an article.
Videos: Day 1: Sexual Harassment on Cross Assault, CROSS ASSAULT – DAY 5 – BBS HQ (1:45:00 is the argument), Cross Counter Live 120 Part 2, The Fighting Game Community takes sexual harassment very seriously UltraChenTV – Women in Competitive Gaming
It was mentioned on today’s episode of The Executives by Complexity Gaming.
I’ll update if I find more sources of info.
Other Tags: FGC

Weekly eSports Forecast June 13 – 19
Well it’s time to get back into it. The weekly eSports Forecast has been on hiatus for a short while, but I’m back and ready to provide you with the critical eSports events you should be paying attention to. Remember, if there’s anything I miss, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Major Events
Dreamhack Summer 2011 (#DHS11) – Well it’s finally here, the “world’s largest digital festival” is going to kick off on Saturday the 18th of June and run till Tuesday the 21st. It should be an exciting time and we’ll undoubtedly see some crazy gameplay from a vartiety of games, but the biggest tournament is by far the DreamHack Sapphire AMD Championship for Starcraft 2, featuring some of the world’s best players. Definitely check this out!
North American Star League (#NASL) – The NASL continues this Tuesday with a series of tiebreaker matches to determine seeding for the finals in July.
Evil Geniuses Master Cup Season V (#EGMC) – This week we get some more exciting SC2 matches from the EG Master Cup.
GSL Super Tournament (#GSL)Â – The GSL Super Tournament continues on this week. Finals information.
FXOpen Invitational Series #4 (#FXOPEN) – Team FXO is hosting a $5000 prize pool tournament for some of the world’s best players. This week the North American qualifiers are on Saturday June 18th.
Minor Events
GeForce Starcraft II Pro/Am Tournament – This week concludes the registration period for the GeForce Pro/Am tournament. Hurry and sign up before Thursday June 16th!
Play with FNATIC.CS – This Wednesday FNATIC’s CS 1.6 team will be taking a short break from their DHS bootcamp training to play with the community. Check out the link for the details!

Weekly eSports Forecast April 25 – May 1
Here is the weekly eSports Forecast for the week of April 25th, 2011. Updates will be added as I find them.
North American Star League (SC2) – NASL continues this week starting Wednesday. There has been some great games the past two weeks and I am sure there are more to come as the season 1 gets into full swing.
IGN Pro League (SC2) – The IGN pro league season 1 finale is this coming weekend, starting on Thursday. I was extremely impressed by the production quality IGN had to offer last week and can’t wait for this weeks games to start. Should see some amazing and close games for the finals.
SK Gaming – Champions Trophy (SC2) – The SK Gaming – Champions Trophy SC2 tournament for this month will be starting today for Asia and Europe and later this week for North America. I do not know much about this tourney, but with all the big name players listed I am sure it will produce some amazing games.
Rakka Logitech Starcraft 2 Tournament (SC2) – Top Swedish players such as Naniwa, Morrow and Thorzain will be competing to live in Korea in the GSL house for a month. Sweden has some of the best players in Europe, should be some pretty exciting games. Event is underway and continues this Wednesday, April 25th.
Team Liquid Attack! (SC2) – With a break in the TSL action, Team Liquid is offering a chance to play some 3v3 with your favorite TSL commentators and players, Chill, djWHEAT, and TLO!  Event is Saturday, April 30th. Check out the link to see exactly how you can get an opportunity to get some games in with TSL crew.
WCG Online Qualifiers – The 2011 World Cyber Games online qualifiers start this week and extend well into May, June, and July. Got the skill? Check out the link for registration. Additional info at HLTV.
TF2 Season 7 Out-of-Week Matches (TF2) – This week starts a slew of Amateur and Open Team Fortress 2 matches that continue throughout May courtesy of CEVO.

The Weekly eSports Forecast: April 11-17, 2011
Here is the weekly eSports Forecast for the week of April 11th, 2011. Updates will be added as I find them.
North American Star League (SC2) – It’s finally here! This Tuesday begins the exciting new North American Star League! Remember to check out the season pass which gives you access to 1080p coverage, 24/7 VODs, and zero-commercial interruption. Let the games begin!
Dreamhack Stockholm Invitational (SC2) – This Tuesday, the 12th of April, the team at Dreamhack will have the 8 invited Starcraft 2 players beat it out for a 100k SEK prize pool and wildcards for the Dreamhack event this summer. Additional information here and some sweet photos here.
The Gadget Show Live (SC2) – This year the “ultimate” consumer electronics event in the UK is hosting a Starcraft 2 tournament. Doors open on Wednesday, but the tournament itself seems to have already begun with the finals being aired live in front of an audience on Saturday and Sunday! Tournament information here.
QQ ninja Reddit HoN Open – A week long tournament for HoN players under 1850 MMR and PSR on ALL of their accounts, will take place from April 11th-17th. Don’t forget to check out the results later this week.
Nation Voice ET Challenge – Tonight, the 11th, we’ll see an exciting Enemy Territory tournament hosted by Nation Voice and Team Decerto.
NEW: Crossfire 3-on-3 Nations Cup Grand Final – Tonight, April 12th, two teams battle it out for the Nations Cup Grand Final in Enemy Territory.
NEW: Official Launch of the RGC Asian DotA League – This Friday, the 15th, a new asian DotA league is set to launch. Note, the official site doesn’t specify a date, but GosuGamer’s apparently has the inside scoop.
NEW: ClanBase Spring 2011 Cup Season contiues – The Spring Season continues on with the first matches of the EuroCup.
NEW:Â Meo XLPARTY Festival – Starting Friday and running through the weekend, Portugal will be the host of a large technology conference featuring a ton of different tournaments. Looks like the games covered will be Counter-Strike 1.6, Call of Duty 4, Starcraft 2, Halo: Reach, Forza, Trackmania, Counter-Strike: Source, Call of Duty: Black Ops, League of Legends, PES 2011, Guitar Hero 5, Tekken 6, and Bomberman. What a mouthful, should be an interesting weekend. Additional information here. Twitter here.
NEW: CEVO Counter-Strike: Source Season 12 Professional Placement Tournament – This week begins the Counter-Strike: Source professional placement tournament.
Other Tags: DH, ET, HoN, NASL, StarCraft II, SC2

Weekly eSports Forecast April 4 – 10
Here is the weekly eSports Forecast for the week of April 4th, 2011. Updates will be added as I find them.
North American Star League (SC2) – The NASL was supposed to unveil their new massive Starcraft league this week, but decided to change their schedule to help players get back and situated from MLG Dallas. Instead the NASL will begin next week, April 12th. Tune in then!
IGN Pro League (SC2) – The biggest announcement of the week will be from IGN, telling the world about their newly formed Pro League! Rumor has it it’s for this little game you may have heard called Starcraft 2. ;)
The Creative Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Online Pro-am Gaming Tournament (SC2) – Yeah it’s quite a mouthful. This week registration opens for this $10k Starcraft 2 tournament supported by compLexity Gaming! Additional information here and here.
TheKGL Pro-League (CS:S) – The KGL has announced their season 1 pro-league for Counter-Strike: Source which will begin this week, with the first matches beginning Wednesday, April 6th.
FNATICÂ Play with the Pros (CS 1.6) – This Wednesday the 6th of April, Team FNATIC will be hosting a “Play with the Pros” event for Counter-Strike 1.6 players! Not only will you get to play but there’s an opportunity to win some great prizes as well. Check it out.
ESL Major Series Season VIII – More ESL Major Series games are going on this week. Check out the link to find replays of the games.
World Cyber Games Call of Duty: Black Ops Tournament (CoD) – This April 9th and 10th in New York City, there will be an Xbox 360 Black Ops tournament hosted by the WCG! Fun fun. And be sure to follow the WCG USA Twitter account for more information.
CSN GET PRO QuakeLive Series (QL) – The GET PRO Series hosted by the Cyber Sports Network begins tonight and will continue on until an undisclosed time.
QQninja Officially Launches – Technically QQ launched this weekend, but it’s so new I thought I’d mention it here. As quoted on their website, QQninja will help players “find practice partners, get strategy advice & learn the ways of the QQ ninja.” As of now this appears to apply only to Starcraft 2 and Heroes of Newerth, but I’m sure with your help, they’ll expand into a brighter and broader future! Show them your support and check out their Twitter and Facebook. GL you guys!
NEW: Team Dignitas Alienware Cup #3 (TF2) – This Sunday, the 10th of April, Team Dignitas and Alienware are hosting a 64 man, 6-on-6 Team Fortress 2 tournament! Find all the match info and how to sign up at the link.
NEW:Â Intel LANFest Sacramento Spring 2011 – This weekend Intel is hosting the “biggest LAN in the Sacramento” area.
NEW: Bionic-Gaming presents Bionic-LAN – This weekend Bionic-Gaming is hosting a lan in Fitchburg, Wisconsin (Madison-area).
NEW: Twin Cites Open Starcraft 2 1v1 Tournament – This Saturday in White Bear Lake, Minnesota (Minneapolis-area), there will be a Starcraft II tournament.
As always, if I’m missing anything let me know by replying @SpawnRoom on Twitter, on the Spawn Room Facebook, or on the site here! Muchas Gracias!
Weekly eSports Forecast March 28 – April 3
Here is the weekly eSports Forecast for the week of March 28th, 2011. Updates will be added as I find them.
MLG Dallas: The first MLG competition of 2011 is here starting Friday the 1st and running through the weekend. There will surely be some amazing matches as some of the best players in North America begin battling it out for a chance in the MLG Grand Finals. Should be a very exciting weekend as always.
GOMtv (SC2): The 2011 LG Cinema 3D World Championship in Seoul starts Monday the 28th and will run till April 9th with some of the best SC2 players in the world battling for the title “world’s best SC2 player.”
ClanBase EuroCup XXIII – This week also starts the beginning of the EuroCup over at the ClanBase website. Additional information here.
Ultimate Gaming Championship – The Italian Ultimate Gaming Championship starts this Thursday and runs steady till Sunday the 3rd. This large LAN will feature some exciting tournaments with a respectable prize pool. Additional information here.
ESEA: Early this week ESEA has some exciting TF2 matches for both the Open and Intermediate divisions. They’ll also have one or two Counter-Strike matches for their Main division. Otherwise looks kind of quiet over there. Check the schedule here.
Esports Heaven (CoD4) – This week starts the Sapphire Challenge, a Call of Duty 4 tournament hosted over at Esports Heaven. It runs from tomorrow till April 6th ending with a grand finals.
iCCup Legendary Tournament (SC2) – The iCCup Legendary Tournament continues this weekend April 3rd and 4th with the finals approaching April 9th.
ETF2L (TF2) – This is the second week of the ETF2L Season 9 league.
NEW:Â Xperia PLAY 2011 Prelude – This Danish event/tournament starts this week, I believe the dates are the 30th and 31st, then continuing on next week and concluding April 10th. Hope that’s right. More information from HLTV.
NEW: FNATIC PLAY / MSI HoN 5-on-5 Tournament – The FNATIC MSI HoN tournament began yesterday and will continue on this week until Saturday the 2nd. Additional information here.
NEW: iCCup Defiler Tournament n15 – Sunday the 3rd starts the iCCup Defiler Tournament.