Last night, after a long hiatus, my friends and I sat down for a casual game of League of Legends. I recorded the match with LOL Replay and decided to do some match analysis of our amateur play, primarily to point out the mistakes we made. I find that sometimes, rather than pointing out what you’re supposed to do, it’s more effective to point out what not to do. It’s a fairly long video (as are most BTP’s), but it covers a lot of content and will hopefully get some basic understanding of LoL strategy in your head.
The lineup was as follows:
- Veigar (mid)
- Wukong (top)
- Ashe (adc)
- Xin Zhao (jungle)
- Karma (support)
- Zac (top)
- Soraka (support)
- Annie (mid)
- Vayne (adc)
- Amumu (jungle)
Thanks for watching and leave some feedback if you’d like to see more or have suggestions or criticisms.