Tag: BlizzCon

BlizzCon 2010 and StarCraft 2 Invitational

Today marks the first day of Blizzcon 2010! The event is taking place in the Anaheim Convention Center in California and will be running till tomorrow evening. Unfortunately Blizzard is providing a Direct-TV stream that costs 40-fricken bucks, BUT there is this Ustream feed up RIGHT NOW! Also, if you hit up the main page, there is links to the free RTS and WoW streams. Hopefully there’s be some good shit going down :P I’ll try and follow it as much as possible and provide some recap later. Enjoy!

Another link for streams: http://tv.esl.eu/de/esltv_stream/

Other Tags: D3, WoW, StarCraft II, SC2

Blizzcon 2010 Announcement

Blizzard’s annual convention “Blizzcon” is fast approaching with its set date on October 22nd and 23rd 2010!  Blizz posted sign-ups for the multiple contests that take place during Blizzcon such as the costume contest, the fan art/original song/ movie contest, and the expired SC2 custom map contest.  I can’t wait for this event to start and I am hoping for a live feed again like they did last year. The tickets for the actual event are, of course, sold out. :( However, you can still purchase a virtual ticket online and get complete coverage of the event.

Also as a side note, I want a release date lol or some sort of awesome WoW  Cataclysm expansion news at Blizzcon… I am foaming at the lips in anticipation for Cataclysm and I really want to hear some news on it, as most of the WoW junkies probably feel as well.

Cheers,   Jalmari

Blizzcon official website

My Armory page

Other Tags: WoW, D3, Cata, StarCraft II, SC2

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