Over the past few months I’ve been debating how I want to approach eSports. I officially put the eSports bulletin on hiatus because each episode took hours to make and I didn’t have enough time everyday to get them done. I would like to keep making Behind The Play episodes covering strategy for fans and players, but those take a lot of time per episode and only allow me to publish once-in-awhile. So I began brainstorming other options because I didn’t just want to step away from eSports and be done. So now I present a new series that I think will work out a lot better because it doesn’t require hours and hours of time I don’t have right now. Getting To Know eSports will introduce players, casters, event coordinators, community managers, website owners, and more, to the eSports world through a series of questions that help you get to know the person on a more personal level. Rather than interviews that cover the latest news or tournament results, which there is already plenty of, I wanted to create a more intimate, sit down and get to know someone series. My first guest was Sean “EroSennin” Gough, a StarCraft 2 player from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is currently playing for the Complexity Gaming Academy and I met him in person at a Teh Pwn Gaming CSL StarCraft 2 event in 2011. He’s a great guy and was a fun guest so be sure to check out the interview embedded below, or watch it on YouTube.
Other Tags: Ero-Sennin, Collegiate StarLeague, TPG, University of Minnesota: Twin Cities, coL Academy, SC2, StarCraft II